Of Old times...
In the ancient Greek times, during the years the Orphic cult & mysteries were believed there was a teaching that made its way to the modern era in the form of a golden plate. This artifact is still at the the British Museum (sadly for me as it isn't on Greek grounds to be kept). The teaching was made by the Orphics as a guide when the soul was about to enter to the after life.
You will find another, from the lake of Memory refreshing water flowing forth. But guardians are nearby. They will ask you, with sharp minds "Whence are you? Where are you from?ʺ " Tell them the following words.
“I am a child of Earth and starry Heaven, but of Heaven is my birth:
this you know yourselves. I am parched with thirst and perishing:
give me quickly chill water flowing from Mnemosyne lake“
This will state proudly & with dignity you are true, preventing you from forgetting, giving the chance to the soul to pass to the afterlife with the knowledge that is already is known but most important of all is not to forget that soul itself is immortal without no one to be able to hold it.
Among many other things, this totenpass evokes Remembrance, remembrance of the divine-heavenly nature that dwells within all of us.
In agreement with many Eastern philosophies, the Orphics believed in an eternal soul that was caught in a cycle of reincarnation.

Gold-leaf tablets found in graves from Thurii, Hipponium, Thessaly and Crete (4th century BC and after) give instructions to the dead. Although these thin tablets are often highly fragmentary, collectively they present a shared scenario of the passage into the afterlife. Gold orphic tablet and case found in Petelia, southern Italy (British Museum)

Karma According to Buddhism, everything that happens is the result of Karma – the law of cause and effect. Every action throughout a person’s lifetime, both good and bad, has an effect on their future. The way a person lives his or her life also affects the way they later will pass on. So it is important for someone by living in a good and kind manner to others as well as in every thing that has life inside. Other people, animals even to plants and insects as all are gifts of life. Encouraged to be true to themselves and to care for and about those around them.
Coming to know our true nature requires overcoming our ordinary mind and moving past our ego. In our day-to-day lives, we become absorbed and distracted by our thoughts, feelings and activities. It is easy to allow our ignorance, negative emotions, and actions to obscure our true nature, much the same way that clouds block our awareness of the endless sky. We all have the potential to connect beyond our ordinary minds to our deeper state of profound wisdom, love, and compassion. It is this state of mind that is said to endure past death.
Is like cleaning the smudges off your eyeglass lenses, it allows us to see more clearly in life in such as way that our very perceptions transform and circumstances will appear differently. Whether or not we are able to see clearly, it is important to remember that even when our ordinary mind is cloudy, the sky-like nature of mind is still there. Weather is only on the surface. Deep in the sky-like nature of our minds it is pure.
Day by day, your fate gives you nothing but an opportunity to grow wiser, stronger and kinder. Realizing this, you have transform your life.

Becoming Who We Truly Are
In the Buddhist view, wisdom and compassion are intrinsically linked together. One cannot be truly compassionate without wisdom. Wisdom--seeing the world as it really is--reveals the deep interrelatedness and impermanency of all things. When we genuinely recognize this, compassion is our natural response. When we have wisdom, we cannot help but feel compassion. By the same token, practicing compassion helps us to realize our fundamentally wise natures. Living compassionately means to think and act without putting ourselves at the center of the universe, without believing that "It's all about me." To recognize that the whole of existence does not revolve around these little entities we call our selves is the beginning of wisdom. Thus wisdom and compassion arise together. As we become more compassionate, we gain wisdom; as we become wiser, our compassionate natures are more fully revealed.
Wisdom and compassion are also innate. We have learned to act and think in self-centered ways for so long that selfishness now seems natural. Think of Buddhists, a practice, a discipline for reversing the effects of years of conditioning to return us to our true selves. Yet because our habits of self-centeredness are so deep and ingrained, the discipline needs to be gradual and gentle. We cannot expect radical transformation to happen overnight, nor can we expect to be the persons we wish to be simply by willing. Willing must be accompanied by acting. By acting compassionately and wisely, it becomes easier to will to be compassionate and wise. Buddhist spiritual practice, therefore, is a matter of training: learning and acting to be the persons we truly are.
In the Buddhist view, wisdom and compassion are intrinsically linked together. One cannot be truly compassionate without wisdom. Wisdom--seeing the world as it really is--reveals the deep interrelatedness and impermanency of all things. When we genuinely recognize this, compassion is our natural response. When we have wisdom, we cannot help but feel compassion. By the same token, practicing compassion helps us to realize our fundamentally wise natures. Living compassionately means to think and act without putting ourselves at the center of the universe, without believing that "It's all about me." To recognize that the whole of existence does not revolve around these little entities we call our selves is the beginning of wisdom. Thus wisdom and compassion arise together. As we become more compassionate, we gain wisdom; as we become wiser, our compassionate natures are more fully revealed.
Wisdom and compassion are also innate. We have learned to act and think in self-centered ways for so long that selfishness now seems natural. Think of Buddhists, a practice, a discipline for reversing the effects of years of conditioning to return us to our true selves. Yet because our habits of self-centeredness are so deep and ingrained, the discipline needs to be gradual and gentle. We cannot expect radical transformation to happen overnight, nor can we expect to be the persons we wish to be simply by willing. Willing must be accompanied by acting. By acting compassionately and wisely, it becomes easier to will to be compassionate and wise. Buddhist spiritual practice, therefore, is a matter of training: learning and acting to be the persons we truly are.
"It is as if all our lives we have been flying in an airplane through dark clouds and turbulence when suddenly the plane soars above these into the clear boundless skies. Inspired and exhilarated by this new dimension of freedom, we come to uncover a depth of peace, joy and confidence in ourselves that fills us with wonder and gradually breeds in us a certainty that there is in us something that nothing destroys, that nothing alters, and that cannot die.
As the new awareness becomes vivid and almost unbroken, there occurs a personal and utterly non-conceptual revelation of what we are, why we are here, and how we should act which amounts in the end to nothing less than a new life, new birth -- almost a resurrection ... You discover something in yourself that does not die." - Sogyal Rinpoche
~ Featuring ~
Spyralle Masque of Summer
Spyralle’s new piece of face jewelry comes in six colors for summer. A seventh color is exclusive to the full color pack, which also lets you mix and match the gems and change the metal colors. Unisex Great for any occasion & theme with easy hud menu to use.
Spyralle Pinnacles set II
The Pinnacles are available individually as well as the full set of three. They are very simple and unadorned for you to decorate and light as you wish. The package includes instructions & the AO textures so you can even make your own textures. The physics are quite solid. No poses are included — we assume most photographers are well supplied. Going high enough to get the things on the ground out of the way, there’s the horizon line and often some atmospheric effects near the horizon you wish you could just cut out. Each one comes with a “Skybowl” cloud deck mesh you can position to mask thing down toward the horizon.
Spyralle Living Stepping Stones Fatpack
Looking just as magical under the sea as in your woodland garden are these new bioluminescent stepping stones from Spyralle! They come in five colors, and each one comes with three types, as you see here. Linking them in Edit to lower the land impact. Really magical for every Garden or relaxing place of yours.
Each of the creations shown in pictures is available at Spyralle Store
~ Styling ~
Orpheus Paxlapis wears (All pics included): Viktor Savior de Grataine wears:
Spyralle Masque of Summer All Colors Spyralle Masque of Summer All Colors
Spyralle Vaahtera Headpiece Nightfall
Spyralle Thornweaver Wings - Ocean 1 Raven Bell: Rain Hair
MW ilweran: Elven/Elf/Faun ear Galen
FaceDesk - Crystal Geodes - Aquamarine
:ANDORE: - :Mesh Ears: - Dreams Staff made of:
E.V.E Rapunzel Suit Glitter
~JJ~ Magical staff
[Since1975] Let Origamies Fly & Cage
*LODE* Head Accessory - Lilies [big pink] RARE
*LODE* Head Accessory - Julia Single Rose [mauve]
::: B@R ::: Arkhai set
Romazin - Earring <Sirani>R, resize, blue
Romazin - Earrings <Liza>, GIFT
POISON ROUGE - Nefert Chocker Golden
Nefekalum Tattoos - Shaman Series -// Earth (Neon Edition)
~ Also included ~
Spyralle Living Stepping Stones Fatpack
Spyralle Pinnacles set II
Spyralle Litha Water Offering

"The moon is like a Buddha: the sun is like Zorba the Greek. My effort here is to bridge these two energies. But first one has to live at the optimum as the sun: outgoing, passionate, hot, adventurous. Only when one has known the other in all its possible expressions, only when one has shouted ’Thou!’ with joy, can one have a return journey; one becomes worthy of returning. And when one returns, the circle is perfect.
Then there is silence and quietude and serenity. And that cool love is the ultimate phenomenon. So you have to live the first part first.
You have a beautiful name! Love passionately, love tremendously, love totally."
- Osho "Zorba the Buddha"
Side Note:
Personally I want to thank from my heart mrs Kerryth Tarantal the owner & creator of Spyralle. I have one of the loveliest times working as blogger with you, allowing me to be as creative as wanted to be with your creations & you never minded if I was talking too much in my blog, letting me to live it with you having always the kindest comments of you. It is an honor & great pleasure working with you, creating magical pictures, be somehow with me on the runways while wearing your creations leaving a note of you & your magic. Always thinking of you with love & kindness that came through your soul. I'm so lucky I got to be one of your bloggers while I made my 1st shy steps in blogging with your encouragement. Thank you for everything but most of all thank you for being you!
PS: Sorry for writing so long & much
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